We’re thrilled to announce that you can now instantly order ingredients on any Learn to BBQ recipe through Instacart! This new feature makes it even easier than ever to find the perfect ingredients for your next BBQ masterpiece.
To order ingredients, simply click on the “Order Ingredients” button on any of our recipe pages. You’ll be taken to the Instacart website, where you can add the ingredients to your cart and deliver them directly to your home. Check it out by clicking the picture.
No more printing out recipes, having to figure out what you need, and then realizing you missed something or doubled your order because you were not sure what you had ordered before.
We’re committed to making it easy for you to enjoy delicious BBQ at home. Ordering ingredients through Instacart is just one way we’re making Learn to BBQ the ultimate resource for BBQ enthusiasts.
Here are just a few of the benefits of ordering ingredients through Learn to BBQ and Instacart:
- Save time and effort. No more running to the grocery store at the last minute.
- Get the freshest ingredients. Instacart delivers fresh ingredients right to your door.
- Never forget an ingredient again. Our recipes make it easy to order all the ingredients you need.
- Enjoy the convenience of Instacart’s delivery service. Instacart makes it easy to get your groceries delivered right to your door.
So what are you waiting for? Start cooking today and experience the convenience of instant ingredient ordering through Instacart!