Quarter Pound Hot Dogs – GoSun Sport Solar Cooker Review

Quarter Pound Hot Dogs – GoSun Sport Solar Cooker Review

This recipe is one of a series that features the GoSun Sport Solar Cooker. The Challenge – from a room temperature GoSun Sport to cooked quarter-pound hot dogs that reach an internal temperature of 155F in under 30 minutes.
Print Recipe
CourseMain Course
Keywordhot dogs, quarter pound, solar cooking
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Total Time40 minutes



  • We start off with a pack of Hebrew National Quater Pound Beef Hot Dogs. These hot dogs are twice the size of regular hot dogs so they will have a hard time fitting into a regular hot dog bun.
  • Take two out of the package for these hotdogs are large and the GoSun Sport can only handle two.
  • So we can monitor the internal temperature of the hot dog we insert a needle temperature probe right into the middle of the hot dog.
  • We then insert the cooking tray with both hot dogs into the GoSun Sport solar cooker.
  • Position GoSun Sport facing towards the sun. The cooker does not require and GoSun also would you rather not preheat the cooker. The tube can get extremely hot inside without the food and tray.
  • Here is the chart from our Fireboard Thermometer. As you can see the internal temperature of the cooker heated quickly. Also, the hot dogs were right behind.
  • The ambient or internal temperature started it off at 71.3F and the hot dogs that had just come from the refrigerator started at 53.5F.
  • Our cooking objective and temperature target were to get the hotdogs up to 155F. We find that is the perfect serving temperature for the hot dogs are hot but they are not overcooked where they might split.
  • Total cooking time was 25 minutes.
  • For those that wonder if the cooker gets hot. The picture is showing steam that is coming out of a cooker that is at 350F. Highly recommend you use heat resistant gloves when removing the food.
  • Here is a picture when I took the hot dogs out. They were perfectly cooked.
  • When cutting the hot dogs they were not only hot but extremely juicy. The GoSun Sport might be the best way to cook hot dogs and you cannot beat the fact that the only fuel I used was the sun.



Calories: 360kcal